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These are expectations for everyone in the lab

  • Have fun!

  • Respect yourself and commit to self care

  • Respect each other

  • Remember that cutting-edge science is not usually a linear process

  • Practice inclusive communication

  • Commit to documenting research progress and meeting notes in notebooks on a regular basis

  • Commit to file management organization and communicate about the system with the team

  • Commit to eliminating distractions during work hours 9am-5pm on weekdays. Distractions include personal texts, push notifications, and personal social media. Ways to eliminate them include turning off notifications and leaving your phone in another location.

  • Commit to keeping a task management system, and communicating your priorities and milestones to your advisor(s)

  • Commit to keeping a calendar for meetings and plans

  • Recognize that shared space is shared resources, keep the lab bench clean, log out of shared computers so others can use them

  • Finish what we start (within reason)

  • We all support each other when sh*t happens.