Professional Development Resources

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Collecting data and metadata

Time Management



Reviewing manuscripts and writing rejections


Grant writing

How to start a collaboration and keep it going

Tips for aksing for extensions

Errors and mistakes


Skimming a paper

Lotterhos Lab notebook discussion

How to write about mixed models


We all suffer from anxiety sometimes.

Nutrition and anxiety

One time I had severe fatigue. My doctor did a vitamin panel and it turned out to be a vitamin D deficiency.

Climate grief and Earth optimism

Conflicts of interest


Lab meeting recordings

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Northeastern Travel and Conference Funding for PhDs

  • MSC Department-Level Funding Application The MSC grants up to $300 once per academic year. Intended to supplement advisor funding. Apply at least 30 days before conference.

  • College of Science Funding Application The College of Science grants up to $350 for domestic travel/conference, or $500 for international travel/conference. It is expected that there is a matching source (PhD Network, department, or advisor). Preference is given for first-time awardees for whom it would be their first national conference. Apply at least 1 month before conference.

  • PhD Network Funding Application The PhD Network grants up to $500 once per academic year. It is expected that there is a matching source (COS, department, or advisor). Apply at least 2 months before conference.