Chett’s Cold Brew

  1. Coarse grid 100g whole bean medium or light roast coffee.
  2. Add coffee and 700mL cold water to french press. Mix and let sit overnight

  1. Plunge the french press.
  2. Slowly pour the coffee over a mesh strainer and two bamboo filters. This level of filtering will really improve the flavor.

  1. You now have cold brew concentrate!
  2. Store in the fridge for up to 7 days in a ceramic or glass container.

Hot coffee

Mix about 1/5 of the concentrate to 4/5 sub-boiling water.

Cold coffee

Pour about 1/8-1/4 cup over a glass of ice. Add milk to fill up the glass.


We use Illy coffee and bamboo filters. IMG_20230130_064407215